- "Genome-wide data analysis", online course, Tinbergen Institute and University of Wisconsin-Madison, with R. Karlsson Linnér, 2020.
- "Introduction to genome-wide data analysis", summer school, Tinbergen
Institute, with Ronald de Vlaming, 2019.
- "Empirical Economics", Vrije Universiteit
Amsterdam, with several colleagues, 2019.
- Russell Sage Foundation Summer Institute in Social-Science Genomics 2019, co-lecturer.
- Winter Institute for Statistical Genetics, Social Science Module, NYU Abu Dhabi, with R. Karlsson Linnér, 2019.
- "Introduction to genome-wide data analysis", summer school, Tinbergen
Institute, with Niels Rietveld, 2016-2018.
- "Big data management in UNIX", Amsterdam Summer
School, with Aysu Okbay and Richard Linner, 2017.
- "Research methods and statistics", Vrije Universiteit
Amsterdam, with several colleagues, 2017.
- "Advances in genomics research", Erasmus Summer
Program, Master Class, with Joost Gribnau, Ron A. Wevers,
and Dorret I. Boomsma, 2016.
- "Genoeconomics", PhD course, Tinbergen
Institute, with Niels Rietveld, Daniel Benjamin, David
Cesarini, and Tonu Esko, 2015.
- "Research skills", University of Amsterdam, with
Maël Lebreton, 2015.
- "Entrepreneurship theory and practice", University of
Amsterdam, 2014.
- "Advances
in the economics of entrepreneurship", Erasmus University Rotterdam,
PhD course, together with R. Thurik. Syllabus 2012
- "Economics of innovation", Erasmus University
Rotterdam, annually from 2007-2014. Syllabus 2013
- "Introduction to Entrepreneurship and Strategy
Economics", Erasmus University
Rotterdam, yearly 2007-2013. Course title changed over the years. Syllabus 2013
- Research seminar "Innovation and entrepreneurship",
Erasmus University Rotterdam, annually from 2008-2013.
- "Introduction to the economics of governance",
Erasmus University Rotterdam, with E. Pennings and L.
Uhlaner, 2006/2007.
- "Economics of entrepreneurship", Erasmus University
Rotterdam, with R. Thurik, 2006/2007.
- "Small business economics", Erasmus University
Rotterdam, with R. Thurik, 2006/2007.
- "Seminar on innovation theory: innovation diffusion
and marketing models", Humboldt-University Berlin, with C.
Schade and J. Gristschenko, SS 04.
- "Design of decision experiments", Humboldt-University
Berlin, with C. Schade and A. Schröder, SS 04.
- "Seminar on innovation theory: adoption and diffusion
of innovations", Humboldt-University Berlin, with C. Schade, A.
Schröder, and J. Gristschenko, SS 03.
- "Introduction to macroeconomics", Humboldt-University
Berlin, WS 98/99.
Conference presentations
- ETH Paris (2022), see recording
- Behavior Genetics Association (2008, annually 2012-2021)
- IGSS Conference Boulder (2017, 2020, 2021)
- Polygenic scores and their applications, at the New York Genome Center (2019)
- Polygenic Scores, Genetics & Brain Imaging at McGill University, Montréal (2019)
- Association for Psychological Science (2018)
- World Congress of Psychiatry (2017)
- Mendelian Randomization Conference (2017)
- European Economic Association (2006, 2007*, 2008,
2012, 2017)
- Asian-Pacific Conference on Economics and Finance (2017)
- Population Association of America (2017)
- American Economic Association (2017)
- Deutsche Gesellschaft für Psychiatrie und
Psychotherapie (2016)
- Conference on Epidemiological Longitudinal Studies in
Europe (2016 - keynote)
- Babson College Entrepreneurship
Research Conference (2011, 2014)
- Academy of Management Annual Meeting (2005, 2006,
2007*, 2008*, 2009*, 2013, 2014)
- IZA Workshop on Entrepreneurship (2011, 2012, 2013)
- Integrating Genetics and Social Sciences Conference,
U. Colorado (2012)
- HEC Workshop on Entrepreneurship (2009, 2012)
- EURAM (2012)
- European Congress of Psychology (2011)
- NeuroPsychoEconomics Conference (2011)
- EARIE (2006*, 2007*, 2008, 2009, 2010)
- Southern Economics Association (2010)
- RENT - Research in Entrepreneurship and Small
Business (2009, 2010)
- Econometric Society North American Summer Meeting
- Games - Game Theory Society World Congress (2008)
- Econometric Society Australasia (2006)
- Young entrepreneurship scholars RETREAT (2006)
- Verein fuer Socialpolitik (2004, 2005)
- G-Forum Förderkreis Gründungsforschung
- INFORMS Annual Conference (2003, 2004)
- GEM Research Conference (2004)
* accepted paper, presentation cancelled
Invited research presentations
- Stanford University, Metrics Seminar, California, Sept 2021
- University of Wisconsin-Madison, Department of Psychology, Wisconsin, Apr 2021
- George Mason University, Interdisciplinary Center for Economic Science (ICES), Mar 2021 (link)
- Center for Human Genomics and Precision Medicine, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Wisconsin, Mar 2021
- Leopoldina and KNAW
Virtual Workshop ‘Causality and socioeconomic inequalities in
health: an interdisciplinary dialogue’, Dec 2020
- University of Wisconsin-Madison, Wisconsin, Nov 2019
- University of Pennsylvania, Pennsylvania, Oct 2019
- Princeton University, New Jersey, Oct 2019
- Stanford University, California, Jun 2019
- University of Bristol, UK, Apr 2019
- University of Wisconsin-Madison, Wisconsin, Mar 2019
- Geisinger Health Systems, Pennsylvania, Nov 2018
- KNAW Workshop on Intergenerational Transmission of Health Inequalities, Rotterdam, Oct 2018
- University of Wisconsin-Madison, Wisconsin, Oct 2018
- Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Department of Biological Psychology, Apr 2018
- University of Texas, Austin, Mar 2018
- University of Lausanne, Mar 2018
- University of Colorado, Boulder, Feb 2018
- NetSpar, Tilburg, Jan 2018
- University of Texas, Austin, Nov 2017
- Broad Institute, Online Seminar, Nov 2017, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t8RPK-HTX2E
- University of Colorado, Boulder, Oct 2017
- Mendelian Randomization Conference, Bristol, Jul 2017
- Estonian Gene Forum, Tartu, Jun 2017
- California State University East Bay, Department of Economics, Apr 2017
- Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Faculty of Earth and Life Sciences, Dec 2016
- Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Deptartment of Ecological Sciences, Oct 2016
- University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Jul 2016
- Max-Planck-Institute, Göttingen, Mar 2016
- Max-Planck-Institute, Berlin, Jan 2016
- Brocher Foundation, Geneva, Dec 2015
- ZIF - Center for Interdisciplinary Research,
Bielefeld, Oct 2015
- University of California, San Francisco, Mar 2015
- University of California, Santa Cruz, Mar 2015
- University of Southern California, Feb 2015
- Royal Dutch Academy of Science, Feb 2015
- Oxford University, Said Business School, Jul 2014
- UC Santa Cruz, Seminar, Jun 2014
- Copenhagen Business School, May 2014
- U Chicago, Conference on Genetics and Behavior,
Chicago, USA, Apr 2014
- TU Eindhoven, Seminar Entrepreneurship, Apr 2014
- U Warwick, Conference Individual Differences and
Economic Decisions, Warwick, UK, Jan 2014
- Annual Meeting of the Austrian Alzheimer Society,
Vienna, Austria, Oct 2013
- U Trier, Betriebswirtschaftliches
Forschungskolloqium, May 2013
- U Bonn, Center for Economics and Neuroscience
Seminar, Nov 2012
- King's College London, Behavioral Genetics Seminar,
Oct 2012
- University of Zurich, Behavioral and Experimental
Economics Seminar, Sept 2012
- 3rd workshop of the Social Science Genetic
Association Consortium, Reykjavik, Iceland, May 2012
- European Science Foundation Standing Committee for
the Social Sciences, workshop on understanding
collaboration between the life sciences and the social sciences,
London, UK, March 2012
- 2nd workshop of the Social Science Genetic
Association Consortium, Los Angeles, USA, Oct 2011
- WHU Koblenz, Germany, Oct 2011
- Erasmus Medical Center, Rotterdam, Netherlands, Oct
- Workshop to explore the feasibility of a Social
Science Genetic Association Consortium, Boston, USA, Feb 2011
- Southern Methodist University, USA, Sep 2010
- Ludwig Maximilian University Munich, Germany, Sep 2010
- Deutsches Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung (DIW
Berlin), Dec 2008, Dec 2009
- Research Institute of Industrial Economics (IFN)
Stockholm, Sweden, Nov 2009
- Imperial College, London, UK, May 2009
- Erasmus University Rotterdam, Department Applied
Econoimcs, Research Seminar, April 2008
- Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane,
Research Seminar Entrepreneurship and Innovation, Feb 2008
- EIM Research Seminar, Zoetermeer, April 2007
- Humboldt Research Seminar, Humboldt-Universitaet zu
Berlin, Dec 2006
- Max-Planck-Institute Jena for Research into Economic
Systems, Institute Seminar, October 2005
- 5th Anniversary of the SAP-Institute for
Entrepreneurial Studies and Innovation Management at
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, July 2005
- Max-Planck-Institute Jena for Research into Economic
Systems, Institute Seminar, June 2005
- First Annual Haniel Kreis, Humboldt-Universität
Berlin, Jan 2005
- Gründungsprofessorium, Berlin, June 2003
Public and policy oriented
- European Commission, Brussels, Innogrips
workshop on high-growth SMEs, Feb 2012
- German Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs, Berlin,
Oct 2006
- German Federal Ministry of Education and Research
(BMBF), Fachgespräch Innovationsforschung und IKT, Bonn, 02nd Feb.
- European
Trend Chart Conference on e-Business and Innovation, Brussels, on
behalf of the European Commission, May 2005
- DIW Berlin, Workshop
on e-Business in manufacturing industries: A source of competitive
advantage? 11th May 2005
- E-business Watch
event 2004: E-Business Implications for Productivity and
Competitiveness, Brussels, July 2004.
Berlin, Workshop E-Commerce Impacts Revisited, Jan. 2004
- IDATE Conference,
Montpellier, Nov. 2003
Supervision of PhD students
- Mattheus (Matthijs) J.H.M. van der Loos (2008 - 2013)
- Cornelius (Niels) A. Rietveld (2010 - 2014)
- Aysu Okbay (2012 - 2016)
- Ronald de Vlaming (2013 - 2017)
- Fleur Meddens (2014 - 2018)
- Richard Karlsson Linner (2014 - 2018)
- Casper A.P. Burik (2015 - 2019)
- Hyeokmoon (Hermon) Kweon (2018 - 2022)
- Annemarie Schweinert (2020 - 2022)
- Yuchen Ning (2020 - 2024)
PhD committee member
- Antonio Golpe (University of Huelva, 2009)
- Thais Rizzi (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, 2013)
- Sander Hoogendoorn (University of Amsterdam, 2013)
- Anisa Shyti (HEC Paris, 2014)
- Abdel Abdellaoui (Free University Amsterdam, 2014)
- Laura Rosendahl-Huber (University of Amsterdam, 2015)
- Boris van Leeuwen (University of Amsterdam, 2015)
- Brendan Bulik-Sullivan (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, 2016)
- Cedric Gutierrez-Moreno (HEC Paris, 2017, president of PhD committee)
- Simon Haworth (University of Bristol, 2019)